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PB Minutes 8/10/15
Town of Buxton Planning Board
Monday, August 10, 2015 at 7 p.m.

Recorded by: Krystal Dyer      
Members in attendance: Jeremiah Ross, III; Keith Emery; Christopher Carroll and Chris Baldinelli

Members not in attendance: Mark Blier

The meeting was called to order by commencing the pledge of allegiance.

Stephen Joffe of Webster Road submitted the final plan to amend note #35 of the Blueberry Ridge Subdivision.  Tax Map 7, Lot 30-5.
Bill Thompson of BH2M Engineers is representing Stephen Joffe.  The original Blueberry Ridge Subdivision plan was approved in 2010.  No sales or construction has started yet.  Mr. Joffe is proposing an amendment, by adding Note #42, which will exempt lot #5 from the performance guarantee.  Lot #5 has the original farmhouse and it should have been exempt from the performance guarantee.  Originally note #35 was a condition for all the lots for a performance guarantee.     The reason it was added, was for lot numbering and approval.  The Town of Gorham Planning Department approved and signed this amended plan last week.  This is a simple change and will be recorded in both Cumberland and York counties.

  • Jere motions to amend the notes for Blueberry Ridge Subdivision, tax map 7 lot 30-5, seconded by Chris B. the motion passed with a 4 – 0 vote.  
Normand Berube has submitted a proposal to amend a common side lot line between lots 5 and 6 of Fogg Brook Subdivision.  Tax Map 9, Lot 15.
The Fogg Brook subdivision is complete and all lots are sold.  During a final mortgage survey it was noticed that the septic system for lot five was within the 10 foot sideline setback.  With this amendment both lots have more frontage and meet the required acreage, in the cluster subdivision regulations.  This was an unfortunate occurrence it does not change the purpose, scope or integrity of the lots.  Both land owners have agreed to the simple corrective deed.  Lot six has an existing fence that currently parallels the new lot line, which sits approximately five feet off the proposed line.
        Christopher Carroll questions if the Board should hear from the property owners.  Berube builders created the problem and they are taking the corrective measures.  Jere confirms that both lots are sold in private ownership.  Bill added that they are both sold and the mistake was brought to their attention during a mortgage survey.  The state plumbing regulations require a leachfield to be 10-feet from the property line, this was down to 4 feet at one point.  The corrective deed and the updated survey will be recorded at Your County Registry of Deeds.  Jere wants to get the opinion from town council regarding a public hearing before proceeding.
        Peter Gordon asks if the problem could be resolved through a variance through the state sub surface rules.  Bill did not realize it could be amended that way, but will keep it in mind for future reference.  Will vote at next meeting once we know public hearing requirements.

Normand Berube Builders has submitted a pre-application proposing a 6 lot cluster subdivision on the corner of Waterman and Flaggy Meadow Roads.  Tax map 7, Lot 75.
Bill Thompson of BH2M is proposing a concept plan for a 6-lot cluster on the corner of Waterman and Flaggy Meadow Roads.  It is currently a 31-acre open field in the five acre zone.  It has over 2,000 feet of road frontage, Bill would like to use it with varying size lots from 1.5 to 4-acre lots.  The intention is to leave 18-acres of open space.  There is great site distance on both roads.  A small drainage swale will require a high intensity soil survey and wetland mapping to determine the true net residential calculations, which will confirm the number of lots.  All lots will have individual septic and drilled wells.  
        Chris B. on the first page of the purchase and sale agreement, it says “located at Webster Road”, Bill will correct this.  Number 12 on the Contingency File, is this registered as farmland?  Bill will check into this.  On the drawing, lot five, Chris is concerned with the site distance.  There is a slight hill making it a dangerous area. Bill said they may have to reconfigure.
        Chris C. requests for them to show the Gorham/Buxton town line on the location map.  
Jere asks if there are any plans for lot owners to access the common space, any provision for lots 3, 4 and 5.  Bill suggested making a 30-foot wide open space easement for those lots.    The home owner’s association agreement will specify foot traffic, snowmobiles or four wheelers, etc….  

Geoff Trott of EOS Design, LLC is requesting a Conditional Use permit for a Light Manufacturing Research Facility to be located at 1520 Long Plains Road, Tax Map 8, Lot 45-3.
        Geoff Trott presented his business which manufactures composting toilets for boats, RV and small homes, etc…  Would like to use the existing building for the business and live in the house.  There will be no changes to the outside of the building.  He will plans to widen the driveway and add a parking lot on the east side of the building along with screening to hide the parked cars from neighboring lots.  
        Keith asks if there is another lot for sale.  Mr. Trott has purchased the 9 acre lot along with the buildings and house and confirms that there is five acre parcel on the northwest side for sale.  Keith informed the board that his property does not directly abut this parcel, but is separated by a right of way.  Keith does not have a conflict of interest and can review this application on the merits.  
        Currently Mr. Trott has an architect reviewing the sprinkler ordinance, but as far as he knows, the building size is well under the requirement for a sprinkler system, but will work with fire chief to be sure.  He is aware of the requirement for exit signs and the installation of fire rated dry wall.  Mr. Trott plans to live in the dwelling.   EOS Design, LLC manufactures plastic composting toilets.  The plastic and stainless steel parts are shipped in from New York and are cleaned and assembled here.  All by products like polyethylene are recycled.  A solution of citric acid (lemon juice) is used to clean the stainless steel parts.  They also use a simple green solution to remove the oils from the parts.  Incoming shipping trucks will be approx. 7 per year and outgoing trucks is around 12.  Future plans will be a new building using the existing septic and gray water.  There will be a composting toilet in the barn.  The break room will be in the house.  He currently has four to five employees and plan to request for a total of seven.  The hours of operation will consist of one shift, Monday thru Friday 9am to 5 pm, no weekends. No signage at this time, but will add it to the application in the event he changes his mind.  Mr. Trott is not focused on the retail aspect, he is more in mail order.  
  • Jere motioned to set a site walk for Thursday, September 13th at 6:30 pm for Geoff Trott at 1520 Long Plains Road, seconded by Chris B.  A unanimous vote.
CEO Report:  none

Approval of Minutes:
        June 22, 2015
  • Jere motioned to approve the minutes of June 22nd as written, seconded by Chris C. the motion passed with 3 approve and Chris B. abstained.
Approval of Bills:  none

~Addiction treatment facility: due to a recent issue in town, the Board of Selectmen would like some regulations in our ordinance.  Pull other ordinances and request the Selectmen to attend.  Request more information on what the limitations are and on our ability of limitations.
~information for special town meeting in November

Other Business:  
       Election of officers:
        Chairman:  Keith nominated Jere Ross for Chairman, seconded by Chris C., 3 in favor, one                abstention

        Vice Chair: Jere nominated Chris B. for Vice Chair, seconded by Chris C., 3 in favor, one               abstention

        Secretary: Jere nominates Mark Blier for Secretary, seconded by Chris B., 4 in favor.

        Treasurer: Jere nominates Keith Emery for Treasurer, seconded by Chris B., 3 in favor, one              abstention
  • Motion to close all nominations, seconded by Chris B. Unanimous vote.
      Review of Planning Board by laws: change the number of members from 7 to 5 and quorum from       4 to 3.
  • Jere motioned to amend section 3.1 changing the number of members from seven (7) to five (5) and section 7.9 change the quorum from four (4) to three (3), seconded by Chris C.  A unanimous vote.
Attendees may address the Board on the evening’s business:

Motioned by Jere to adjourn at 7:56 pm.   Five in favor.

Approval Date:    9/14/15

________________________                                                ___________________
Keith Emery, Chairman                                           Date